Sei Shihan Mal Young
6th Dan
Sei Shihan Mal has been training for over 35 years at Seido and instructs the Shodan and Nidan Black belt class on a Monday evening from 7:00pm-8:00pm.
Sei Shihan Mal concentrates on Syllabus in the Monday evening class and believes that as this is a senior class it is critical to develop a class culture of leadership and instructors within the Seido system.
This is achieved by encouraging individual and group feedback during class, being inclusive of people’s ideas and different skills and exploring the role of instructing within the Seido system.
Sei Shihan Mal views etiquette as the fabric that keeps us all safe and is the cornerstone of the Shibu and Seido. This along with our unique history and the special Karateka who currently train and have come before us makes the Shibu a terrific place to train.
On every second Monday of the month the green and brown kyu grades are invited to the senior class to give the opportunity for them to exchange technique and interact with their seniors.