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Senpai Kate McSweeney

3rd Dan

Sandan Kate began Seido Karate in 2005 under Shuseki Shihan Bentui Otang in Wellington. In 2009 she moved to Christchurch and in 2015 graded to Shodan alongside her daughter Rachel. They graded together in 2019 to Nidan.

Sandan Kate runs the returners class on Fridays at 12.15pm and also the Gassho class for Hohepa students along with Senpai Anita Harding on Wednesday lunchtimes.

The returners class is a syllabus-based class for those who have been out of the karate loop for anywhere between 6 months and 25 years! Kyu grades and Black belts are welcome to come along to this class to re learn or polish syllabus. Sandan Kate is assisted in the class by Kyoshi Tony Keevil.

Senpai Kate McSweeney

Open Daily

As per weekly timetable.


P: 03 377 0392

174 Barbadoes Street,
Christchurch, 8011

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